Wednesday 30 November 2011

Christmas Celebration

Christmas is the Celebration of Jesus Christ's birth. This tradition began in Europe in the 3rd century.

Christmas day, December 25 is celebrated differently  in around the world. In Australia, we usually have warm a Christmas because it is in the summer. We have Christmas trees and share a traditional  meal with family.

In France, the Christmas tree has never been particularly popular.

In China, The Christmas tree has never been in the home but it can be seen  in some public places. Christmas dinner is enjoyed with friends in a restaurant but we don't have traditional Christmas food like turkey.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Mr Bean

Mr Bean is a middle aged man. One night he went to a restaurant for dinner.  He didn't need waiter service when the sat down. He made a birthday card for himself and he checked his budget when he ordered the food. He didn't order some drink, but when the waiter gave him a little wine  to taste , he was happy and enjoyed it, but he didn't want more so he said "I'm driving". He played with the table knife for music and he threw the table napkin to the other table. Mr Bean is a funny man.!!

Plastic Bags

Plastic Bags makeup  polyethylene ,or plastic, takes hundreds of years to be destroyed. So once plastic bags are made, they hang around for a very long time.

Environmentalists reckon thousands of birds and marine animals die each year because they swallow the plastic or get caught up in it.

Only a small amount are recycled because the recovery cost too high.

Plastic Bags are inexpensive to make than paper bags and boxes

Plastic Bags easy to uses.

Wednesday 24 August 2011


Banana is one of my favorite fruits. It's every good for health, same to apple. In China, we have a adage: "one apple for one day, far away from doctor". But now i can't eat more. Because it's expensive. What happen for Australia Bananas.

WoWo, time is up. We talk about next time

welcom to my hometown

Changsha is capital city of Hanan Province. It's in South Central China.Its total area is 11,800 square kilometers,with a population of more than 6,000,000. There have recorded history can be traced back 3000 years. So have many cultural relic. Mawangdui is  best famous one.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

About Sabrina

I name is Sabrina. I come from China. I have been in Ausatila for ten years. I'm married but haven't Child. I liveing Hurstville. It's big Chinatown. If you live here.You don't need speak Englis. It's a joke.